The NSW Wingless Sprints headed west to Dubbo last Saturday night for the first country meeting of season 2015/2016.
Special mention must be made of the efforts of a number of drivers who helped out at two different displays on the morning of the race meeting.
The NSW Wingless Sprints would also like to recognise the efforts of a local Dubbo community member – Col Hewitt. Col, who is also a good friend of Mark Blyton, organised the two displays – one outside of the local Autobarn and one outside of Mark Blyton’s workshop – where many locals got up close and personal with the visiting and local drivers.
The six divers were Troy Carey – who went above and beyond to help out, Marshall Blyton, Chris McInerney, Jason Davis and Mark Blyton.
The NSW Wingless Sprints would also like to thank all drivers who made the trip to the Dubbo Speedway for racing.
With Nowra unfortunately being cancelled for this weekend, the next event on the Sydney calendar will be Saturday, December 28 at Valvoline Raceway.